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Himachal Pradesh TET Non-medical2020 : syllabus, strategy

Himachal Pradesh TET Non Medical exam

Hii friends, As you know many exams are posteponed
 due to the corona virus. This is not happened only for 
you but thoudands of students are suffering as well. So there is no reason to dispoint , you just have to study hard and prepare for the Himachal Pradesh TET exam.You only need to focus on your own study.

As we know "himachal pradesh TET exam" hold by the government twice a year.This year may be it gonna late. So till that time study hard and crack the exam.

Himachal Pradesh TET Exam:- 

Meaning of TET - Teacher Eligibility Test
This test is hold by the govt to know that you are eligible for teaching or not. Who has done there B.Ed or in the 2nd year of B.Ed course can apply for this test.

If you have given this exam many times and not able to clear the exam, this means your strategy is wrong. You are studying but not in proper direction. But don't worry here are the important points which will give you right direction. So Just follow the tips.


On the other hand If you are a fresher who are giving Himachal Pradesh TET exam for the very first time, then you should know about these tips and tricks. Don't make any mistake crack this exam in your 1st attempt, by following these tips-

Important points which you should know about HP TET :-

 To crack HP TET non medical exam there are mainly 6 points to know. If you implement these important  points in your study than I am sure that you definitely gonna to crack Himachal Pradesh TET exam this time. 

  1. 1st you should know about syllabus.Find all the details about syllabus which come in TET exams.
  2. Find how many questions  are there to attempt in exam and about maximum marks?
  3. Know about how much time is given to solve fixed questions?
  4. Make one thing clear that how much marks you need to clear HP TET exam?
  5. Do analysis of previous year question papers.
  6. Then Make good strategy to attain passing marks, because in TET exam you only need passing marks only.
  7. Then implement all these points.

I am sure then you will definitly gonna to pass this exam.

 Answers  of all these quetions are here-

No. Of quetions comes in this exam = 150

Maximum marks = 150

Passing marks you need = 90

Do analysis at least previous two years question papers


There are five subjects which comes in HP TET exam

1 Maths = 30 questions

2 Physics= 30 questions

3 Chemistry = 30 questions

4 Psychology = 30 questions

5 Gk   = 30 questions

Total = 150 questions,150 marks

One mark for each question.

Time = 2:30 hours

1.  1st of all Your preference should to get 90 marks only.

2.choose three subjects in which you think you can attain maximum marks.
Like Physics , chemistry, maths If you have good command in three,  then you will get approximately 80 marks. Because if you study about these, there is maximum probability of accuracy.Rather than psychology.

3. Psychology is a subject in which you can't predict actually what kind of questions will come. Some questions are from the b.ed books but maximum are of pedagogy means you have to answer/think like a teacher. In psychology sometime there come easy questions and sometime complicated.

So don't pay your whole attention to this.

4. There is no limit of gk as well. Read basic gk. And more depend upon PCM.

Books For HP TET Non Medical exam


Physics :-       NCERT books from 6th to 10th class.
                        In TET very less questions asked from 11th  and 12th books

Chemistry:-   NCERT books from 6 to 10th class.
                       5 to 6 questions asked from a particular  topic of 11th ,12th books.

Maths:-          Basic maths 6th to 10th NCERT  books

Psychology:- B.Ed books + your thinking,  understanding,  intelligence.

Gk :    Himachal Darpan , current affairs from  monthly magazine or you tube, NCERT                                       history geography books 6th to 10th

Conclusion :-After studying PCM properly, If you think that you have good command in PCM now then definitely in exam hall, what you have to do solve them first. Because there is maximum probability of right answers ,and attain 90 marks or more. Then solve other questions.

 Also Before going to exam hall, decide that how much time you have to give to each subject.

"Make good strategies And achieve your goals "
  All the best !


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