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HP TGT Non Medical 2019 Chemistry Questions with Official Answer key

For the preparation of HP TGT Non -Medical , it is important that you have to solve the previous years questions paper first .So that you will be able to know that which kind of questions comes in the examinations. Here I have provided you some chemistry questions which has asked in the year of  2019 HP TGT NON MEDICAL  commission . And the answers of these questions are from the official answer key.So that you can trust on the answer . For the better preparation note down these questions on your notebook so that you can remember these for the long time . Understand these questions clearly, because in the next TGT commission  questions will come similar to these questions.   HP TGT Non- Medical 2019 chemistry Questions with official answer key Q.1    Number of significant figures in 0.050 is Ans.  two Q.2   The number of spherical nodes for 4d orbitals is Ans    one  Q.3    which of the following elements has hig...

Himachal Pradesh TET Non-medical2020 : syllabus, strategy

Hii friends, As you know many exams are posteponed  due to the corona virus. This is not happened only for  you but thoudands of students are suffering as well. So there is no reason to dispoint , you just have to study hard and prepare for the Himachal Pradesh TET exam.You only need to focus on your own study. As we know "himachal pradesh TET exam" hold by the government twice a year.This year may be it gonna late. So till that time study hard and crack the exam. Himachal Pradesh TET Exam:-  Meaning of TET - Teacher Eligibility Test This test is hold by the govt to know that you are eligible for teaching or not. Who has done there B.Ed or in the 2nd year of B.Ed course can apply for this test. If you have given this exam many times and not able to clear the exam, this means your strategy is wrong. You are studying but not in proper direction. But don't worry here are the important points which will give you right direction. So Just follow the ti...

Pics of Himachal's nature beauty / The land of nature/ shimla

Himachal Pradesh is the hilly area.where peace lies every where. If you realy want to know about nature  you definitely should visit to Himachal Pradesh. Nature lies in the form of human, trees, spparrows, flowers, butterflies,rivers ,animals etc etc .you only need to have that "Najar" to see the beauty. Little things  you capture in your eyes about nature you feel tremendous gratification. Here are some beautiful pictures, which are the very small part of Himachal's beauty, But these pictures explore about Himachal Pradesh. Pics are main source to explore the beauty of any one. You can write some words about beauty, but when you see mesmerizing beauty you can wrote thousands of words about that. When you saw the real beauty, you forgot about your problems for a while . Help the nature to explore her beauty more and more, by planting trees. Pics of Himachal's nature beauty Sparrows      Maroon flower plant Thanks f...

Temple's of Himachal Pradesh 'district wise' for Different HP Govt Exams

Temples of himachal pradesh हिमाचल प्रदेश देवों की भूमि है तभी इसे "देवभूमि " भी कहा  जाता है। लोगों की मान्यताओं के अनुसार देवी-देवता इस प्रदेश में  वास करते हैं। हिमाचल प्रदेश के ही एक जिले मंडी में थोड़ी-थोड़ी दूरियों के पश्चात् अनेक मंदिरों का निर्माण किया गया है ,जिस कारण इसे "छोटी काशी"भी कहा जाता है। हिमाचल  प्रदेश के 12 जिले हैं तथा इन 12 जिलों में अनेक प्रसिद्ध मंदिर हैं जहाँ देश भर से लोग दर्शन करने आते हैं। हिमाचल प्रदेश में लगभग 96% लोग हिन्दू धर्म को मानते हैं,वहीं जनसँख्या का 1.72% मुस्लिम धर्म , 1.23% बौद्ध धर्म और 1.22% सिख धर्म को मानते है। Temples of Himachal Pradesh District wise   जिलों के अनुसार हिमाचल प्रदेश के मंदिर :    शिमला(famous temples of shimla) Ridge shimla   1. जाखू मंदिर :-  यह मंदिर शिमला के जाखू में  स्थित है। भगवान हनुमान को समर्पित।  108 फुट ऊँची हनुमान की मूर्ति।    2. संकट मोचन मंदिर  1926 ई. में निर्माण नैनीताल के बाबा नीम करौरी ...

Covid-19 and Indians:/blowing candle for solidarity

5 april 2020 diya jalaya  Everyone in the village knows what is the importance of social distancing . Every farmer is doing there work in fields to provide vegitables to people as well as for there own family members . We are doing work with proper distancing. But we also know the rate of our vegitables not gonna so high. But it is nothing, we know whole world is going through this pandemic. We will do our best to provide vegitables, who are in needs. Still to fight with corona, you just need three things to know --- 1) to stay positive (2) stay at home and (3) stay safe n make other safe🙏💕✌